Be the change you want to see...

Haven Ignited Women Ablaze (HIWA)

About Us

What Inspires Us

The Vision

Ignite and unleash passionate world changers.

Mission Statement

To empower and equip individuals in our communities by using our varied expertise to provide the necessary services and holistically promote, health and wellness.


  • Work with other organisations and social development in order to provide an adequate service, and achieve our goals
  • Function as a multidisciplinary team in order to effectively assist women and youth.
  • Employing, training and equipping women to assist in the various projects.
  • Organise meetings, teambuilding exercises, and training courses for the employees, members and volunteers, to strengthen the team.
  • Conducting visits as often as possible to various school, orphanage and homes for those in need of further interventions.
  • Build safe houses that will be utilised to assist and equip families or individuals in need of assistance for a short period of time.
  • Build foster homes to help cater for neglected and orphaned youth, in which they will be equipped and empowered to achieve more in life.


Penny Mathumbu

Founding member and chief executive officer. She is a practising Psychologist and is passionate about resolving challenges faced by women on a daily basis.
When she realised that through her vocation, she could only do so much, she then organised the below-mentioned members to form a formal structure that would do more for women using biblical principles of Christianity and prayer.

Esther Motsepe

Member and second in charge. She is a Psychology graduate with skills in creative arts. Her passion for people compelled her to use her education and creative genius in the process of healing and empowering women.

Tintswalo Ngobeni

Member and chief financial officer. She is an accredited professional accountant. She will use her expertise to ensure that the finances are properly accounted for and adhere to the relevant laws. She will also use these skills to assist in empowering women, youth and their families with financial management and proper budget planning.